Neither Side Gets It!
C-Span recently aired a debate hosted by the CATO institute – “Religious Freedom and Anti-Discrimination Law” – regarding Colorado bringing its force to bear on baker Jack Phillips who refused to do a same-sex “wedding” cake.
Ilya Shapiro of the CATO Institute elegantly defended freedom of religion and freedom of speech. John Paul Schnapper-Casteras of the NAACP, made numerous references to Piggy Park, a restaurant that discriminated against “blacks.” Schnapper-Casteras was trying to “piggy back” onto Piggy Park, comparing racial discrimination with not doing a same-sex “wedding” cake. He also compared religious objections against same-sex “marriage” to religious objections against “inter-racial” marriage; referencing Loving v. Virginia, where a judge had said “Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red; and He placed them on separate continents. … The fact that He separated the races shows that He did not intend for the races to mix.”
This is what both sides missed. Madison Grant, a eugenicist and Darwinist, assisted in Virginia passing the Racial Integrity Act in 1924.1 His book, Passing of the Great Race, inspired Adolph Hitler. Hitler wrote to Grant “This book is my Bible”. Eugenicists and Darwinist Harry Hamilton Laughlin drafted the Virginia law.2 Nazi Germany passed a law based on the Virginia law. Laughlin was awarded an honorary degree by the University of Heidelberg in 1936 for “science of racial cleansing” This was all based on eugenics, a term Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton, coined.2
What does the Bible say? Acts 17:26 states “From one man He created all the nations throughout the whole earth.”3 This same Bible teaches us – “God made them male and female.”4
Terry Read