It was just recently in the news that the number of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) was up for the fifth straight year, with “1.7 million chlamydia cases reported.”1 The solution we have generally heard is so-called “safe sex.”2 It is now getting recognized that what has been called “safe sex” is still risky. So it is now being called “safer sex.” I call it “slightly less risky sex.” While a pregnancy can occur 3-5 days a month, a sexually…..
In his 2014 article “Why Stop at Refusing to Bake a Cake for a Same-Sex Marriage,” Bernard Goldberg (a political pundit seen as conservative and actually opposed President Obama) sees the issue of a business owner who does not want to cater same sex “weddings” as a civil rights issue.1 He states: “But when laws are based on deeply held religious beliefs, I get nervous.” He compares this to people using their religious beliefs to justify segregation and laws against…..
Neither Side Gets It! C-Span recently aired a debate hosted by the CATO institute – “Religious Freedom and Anti-Discrimination Law” – regarding Colorado bringing its force to bear on baker Jack Phillips who refused to do a same-sex “wedding” cake. Ilya Shapiro of the CATO Institute elegantly defended freedom of religion and freedom of speech. John Paul Schnapper-Casteras of the NAACP, made numerous references to Piggy Park, a restaurant that discriminated against “blacks.” Schnapper-Casteras was trying to “piggy back” onto…..
Here we go again. Evangelical church leaders just put out a statement on the biblical view of marriage and sexuality called the Nashville Statement.1 Interestingly enough; I agree 100% with everything in the statement. But church leadership is still not getting it! You cannot expect people (even professing Christians) to have biblical values if they do not believe the Bible. And if they do not believe the Bible starting with Genesis, they do not believe the Bible. I teach people…..
Dear Jonathan, I saw a story by David Cawton of Time Warner Cable News on the Texas Religious Liberty Bills being proposed. Chris Wallace, President of Texas Association of Business, stated “Poll after Poll, survey after survey show that millennials do not want to be in a state that is unwelcoming of all people.” Conversely, you were defending the Texas Religious Liberty Bills.1 Jonathan, you need to know something about me. I volunteered at the San Antonio Pregnancy Care Center…..
Robert Reich says that the GOP has “died in 2016” and “been replaced by warring tribes.” One of these “tribes” is “Evangelicals opposed to abortion, gay marriage, and science.”1 Just to clarify in case there is someone out there who does not get what he is saying; Reich is saying that anyone that believes the Bible rather than Darwin is opposed to science. Again, as a reminder, The General Theory of Evolution and the big bang theory are actually products…..
Antonin Scalia’s death has sparked a hot debate. Ted Cruz has talked about not confirming anyone until our next president.1 Hillary has made the point that Barrack Obama is president until January 20, 2017.2 Hillary is absolutely right. President Obama has every right under the U. S. Constitution to nominate an individual to serve as justice on the U. S. Supreme Court. In fact, it is his constitutional duty. The Republican response should be: We will give President Obama’s nominee…..
Taking Tuesday off, I saw this show on the Science Channel called Strip the Cosmos. Suspecting what it would be, I watched some of it and sure enough I was right. The episode that I watched was called “Alien Worlds.” It was filled with philosophical materialism (the belief that matter and energy are all that exist) guised as science. They were explaining how life could exist elsewhere. The whole point of this is to show that life is something that…..
Recent terrorist attacks on Paris and San Bernardino have reawakened fears of Islamic terrorism. After September 11, 2001, when the terrorists brought down four planes, the World Trade Center and also hit the Pentagon, the song “God Bless America” became very popular again. And I, as much as anyone, want God to bless America. My son is only eight years old and for his sake I want God to bless America. But you have to ask yourself: Why Should He?…..
Genesis 5:1-2 states “This is the book of the genealogy of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.”1 This is a short text. But what a person believes about this text will affect their world view entirely. First and foremost, the text tells us that we are not evolved from some apelike…..