A big news story right now is Bruce Jenner becoming “Caitlyn” Jenner. Sometime back, a man that I knew from work decided to become a “woman.” This became a point of discussion with some of my wife’s family. I am not in favor of efforts to make a man a “woman” or a woman a “man.” The people that I was having the discussion with were asking me what basis that I had for not believing someone had a right to do this if that is what they want to do. But is it a matter of rights?
First of all, I need to clarify something. Sometimes in nature, something will go wrong. A chimera is an example. In identical twins, a single fertilized egg will divide into two eggs and become identical twins. With a chimera, the opposite happens. Two eggs fuse into one. If both eggs were female, or if both eggs were male, there is no problem. You have an unusual circumstance of one person (or animal) with two sets of DNA. The problem is when a male egg and a female egg fuse. Then you have a person (or animal) with both male and female DNA; so you do have a problem. These situations should be handled on a case by case basis. But this is not what we are talking about. Bruce Jenner clearly has male DNA.
Dennis Avner was a man who wanted to be a cat. Avner had a number of procedures done to look like a cat (more specifically a tiger). But at the end of the day, Dennis Avner was not a tiger. Dennis Avner was a person who mutilated himself to look like a tiger. Dennis Avner committed suicide in 2012.
Bruce Jenner has the same problem in becoming a woman. Bruce Jenner has XY chromosomes. Bruce Jenner is a man. Bruce Jenner can dress like a woman. Bruce Jenner can take hormones. Bruce Jenner can have cosmetic surgery or even “reassignment” surgery. But at the end of the day, Bruce Jenner will not be a woman. Bruce Jenner will be a man that dresses like a woman, takes hormones, and has had surgery. So it is not a matter of whether or not Bruce Jenner has the right to become a woman. The problem is that it is impossible for Bruce Jenner to become a woman. People are being lied to when they are led to believe that they can change genders. As politically incorrect as it may be, rather than lead people to believe that they can change genders, it would be better to counsel them to be happy to be the gender that they really are.
But Terry, who are you to say this? What do you know? Are you a psychologist or a psychiatrist? No, I am just a person that knows that a person’s DNA does not change from male to female or female to male.
It is the same way with marriage. The question is not whether or not two guys have the right to marry or two gals have the right to marry. The question is “What is a marriage?” Jesus gave the answer to both questions on the idea of a man becoming a “woman” or two guys getting “married.” Matthew 19:4-6 NLT reads:
Jesus stated “Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’ And He said, ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.”
Jesus asked the question “Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus was quoting Genesis 5:2. But to believe Jesus, you need to believe Genesis. This is where Christians go wrong when they dismiss Genesis as some “allegory”. When you do that, you question the authority of Jesus. And you end up thinking that somehow a man can become a “woman” or two guys can be a “marriage.”
Terry Read
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