Several events in the news lately may be seemingly unrelated to a lot of people. One of the news items is tennis great Martina Navratilova being dropped from the LGBT group Athlete Ally.1 She spoke out against men calling themselves women and then competing against women. Navratilova gets that. She understands she would not have wanted to compete against men calling themselves women. What she may not understand is that she helped lay the groundwork for this absurdity by coming…..
Here we go again. Evangelical church leaders just put out a statement on the biblical view of marriage and sexuality called the Nashville Statement.1 Interestingly enough; I agree 100% with everything in the statement. But church leadership is still not getting it! You cannot expect people (even professing Christians) to have biblical values if they do not believe the Bible. And if they do not believe the Bible starting with Genesis, they do not believe the Bible. I teach people…..
Dan Quayle never really was given much of a chance. I will admit during the 1988 Vice-Presidential debate, he did not handle the question of what he would do as president very well. He should have just answered the question – saying he would work on cutting spending, promoting free trade, working out an arms deal with the Soviets, or whatever his agenda would be. He instead kept explaining why he was qualified to be president. Then there was…..
In my posting “Ireland? This is what I have been talking about!” I warned about Justice Kennedy casting the deciding vote on the future of our country. I explained that we are in this situation because of the failings of church leadership to teach Christians that they really can believe the Bible! Now it has happened. We know what side of the bed that Justice Kennedy woke up on. Justice Kennedy sided with Sonia Sotomayor and Elana Kegan (two…..
This is really a follow-up to a blog that I posted on June 08, 2015 – “A Matter of Rights?” I made the point that a man becoming a woman, two dudes marrying each other, or a person becoming a cat is not a matter of rights. It is an impossibility. A person cannot be someone or something that they are not just because they want to be. And an institution such as marriage is not just whatever we want…..
But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord or speak in His name, His word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it! Jeremiah 20:9, NLT. These are the words Jeremiah spoke after Pashhur the priest had Jeremiah whipped and put into stocks for telling the people the message that they did not want to hear. The message from God was that the…..
A big news story right now is Bruce Jenner becoming “Caitlyn” Jenner. Sometime back, a man that I knew from work decided to become a “woman.” This became a point of discussion with some of my wife’s family. I am not in favor of efforts to make a man a “woman” or a woman a “man.” The people that I was having the discussion with were asking me what basis that I had for not believing someone had a right…..