This is really a follow-up to a blog that I posted on June 08, 2015 – “A Matter of Rights?” I made the point that a man becoming a woman, two dudes marrying each other, or a person becoming a cat is not a matter of rights. It is an impossibility. A person cannot be someone or something that they are not just because they want to be. And an institution such as marriage is not just whatever we want it to be. If it was, it would not be an institution.
Now what do we hear in the news? Rachel Dolezal was forced to resign as president of the NAACP because she is not “black.” What? A person cannot be whatever or whoever they want to be just because they want to? Where did that idea come from? What kind of a narrow-minded bigot would think that?
This is the really interesting thing. As a Bible believing Christian, I believe a “white” person becoming a “black” person is really far less of a stretch than a man becoming a “woman.” Note that I put “white” and “black” in quotes. As I have stated before, the Bible teaches that we are all descendants of Noah. So we are all part of the same human family. (I personally have a problem with people like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot being a part of my family. But that is the way it is.) None of us are really white in color and none of us are really black in color. If I ever really look white, please immediately call 911. We all have basically the same skin color. What is different is the tone. Some people have a darker skin tone. Some people have a lighter skin tone. It depends on the amount of melanin in the skin. Sometimes, it is hard to make a distinction between “black” people and “white” people, which is the very reason Rachel Dolezal was able to pass as a “black” person. By contrast, men and women are fundamentally different. Women have XX chromosomes. Men have XY chromosomes.
With the advent of moral relativism, it is hard to get people to understand that there really is a truth – let alone convince them of what that truth is. But in searching for the truth, we need to ask ourselves if our ideas are consistent. If not, we should reconcile that consistency. An atheistic Darwinist will argue to being just as moral as Christians; failing to recognize that the idea of us being nothing more than animals engaged in a battle of survival is inconsistent with even the very concept of morality. Now that we are faced with the issue of what Rachel Dolezal has done and how people have reacted, this might be another opportunity for us to ask ourselves if our ideas are consistent. Let us make the connections between what she has done and what Bruce Jenner has done.
Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32, NLT. When you look at all of the confused thinking in this country right now, you can see that a lot of people need the truth to set them free.
Terry Read
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