At our last San Antonio Bible Based Science Association meeting, while watching President Scott Lane discuss the bombardier beetle, my mind flashed back to the documentary “Moon Machines 1 – Saturn V Rocket.”1 The Saturn V rocket was perhaps the most awesome machine ever built by man. The Soviets had the N-1 Rocket.2 But it did not prove to be the reliable rocket that the Saturn V was. The Saturn V was a three stage rocket. Stages of the rocket…..
In his 2014 article “Why Stop at Refusing to Bake a Cake for a Same-Sex Marriage,” Bernard Goldberg (a political pundit seen as conservative and actually opposed President Obama) sees the issue of a business owner who does not want to cater same sex “weddings” as a civil rights issue.1 He states: “But when laws are based on deeply held religious beliefs, I get nervous.” He compares this to people using their religious beliefs to justify segregation and laws against…..
I recently heard radio personality Michael Medved give his answer to an e-mail from a “thoughtful listener” who challenged Michael’s “commitment to faith and God,” asking: “You’re a smart person, who emphasizes evidence and logic. How then, can you give such importance in your life to something illogical for which there is no evidence?”1 Michael’s answer was to state how his “life dramatically improved” when he “began praying every day, and then observing the Sabbath.” Michael, this is all well…..