Genesis 5:1-2 states “This is the book of the genealogy of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.”1 This is a short text. But what a person believes about this text will affect their world view entirely.
First and foremost, the text tells us that we are not evolved from some apelike creature. We are created in the likeness of God. Your reading this article gives testimony to the truth of this statement. Do apes even have a written language? Do they have a concept of God or ask questions about and have discussions about where they came from? I really do not think that apes have theological discussions. Do they record their ancestral lineage as Genesis 5 records the lineage of man? What we observe is consistent with what the Bible is telling us. A person has to really be “educated” to deny what they themselves know and observe in order to believe the General Theory of Evolution. This text also tells us that there is a supreme being that makes the rules. Without a supreme being that makes the rules, man makes the rules – secular humanism. The founding of our country was based on the understanding that we have value because we are created in the likeness of God and our rights come from Him – not the king! I guess our founding fathers were just not very “educated” either, as the Declaration of Independence makes reference to our Creator and declares “a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.”2
Secondly, this text teaches us that God created us “male and female.” Matthew 19 records Jesus referencing this text when He is asked about divorce.3 It is really interesting listening to people. I remember hearing someone state his agreement with the homosexual agenda. But this same person, when discussing a seat belt in a car, made reference to the male and female parts of the seat belt. Do people think about what they are saying? They understand that with plumbing, electronics, and seat belts, you have to have male and female parts to make things work. But these same people believe in same-sex “marriage.” Where do they think the terminology came from for electronics, plumbing and seat belts?
In June, King Anthony Kennedy declared he knows more than God and decided that a marriage can be between two dudes or two gals.4 Because Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky did not want her name on such a “marriage” license, she went to jail. Well, I have a solution. Since King Anthony thinks he knows what a marriage is and is forcing this concept, let us put his name on marriage licenses. And all marriage licenses in the nation should be sent to him for his personal signature. Contact your congressman or senator and share this idea with them. Also, contact King Anthony and tell him you want him to sign all marriage licenses. His contact information is:6
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543
Terry Read
28 Responses to Solution for Kim Davis and Marriage Licenses