In my daily Bible reading, something from Psalm 81 immediately struck me – “But no, my people wouldn’t listen. Israel did not want me around. So I let them follow their own stubborn desires, living according to their own ideas.”1 I immediately recognized this as humanism. People reject God, and live according to their own ideas. They call it “reason.” Humanists of course put a positive spin on this. The definition given on the American Humanist Association website is: “Humanism is a…..
After the UTSA Religious Forum held last November, regarding molecules to man evolution; Sean, the Secular Student Alliance representative, told me: “the evidence is overwhelming.” This is not the first time I have heard that from a Darwinist. That is a talking point of Darwinists, to include theistic evolutionists. And they really believe it! But one of the “evidences” Sean used during the debate is how bacteria evolve. Bacteria do change. But bacteria are still bacteria. Using this as an…..
This past week I was struck by two news stories. The first one was Rachel Dolezal being disinvited from a Baltimore book festival.1 She was the person forced to resign as President of the NAACP because it was discovered she was not “black.” The second news story was a federal appeals court ruling that a 17 year old Wisconsin high school student, Ashton Whitaker, who is female, may use the boy’s room.2 Writing about the school’s policy, U.S. Circuit Judge…..
The January 2017 issue of National Geographic features what is truly a very sad situation. Avery Jackson is featured as a 9 year old “transgender girl.”1 This is extremely sad on several accounts. First it is very sad that a young boy (That is right, I said boy.) would be so confused. What is even sadder is the state of our society, exemplified by National Geographic. Because of political correctness, and denial that there is truth, young Avery is not…..
Being a sports fan, I have been convinced for a long time that there are a lot of good players out there that never make it in the NFL, NBA or MLB; the reason being there is so much competition that a lot of good players get overlooked. Also, coaches and managers have a paradigm about what they are looking for and may not notice someone who does not fit that paradigm. I see players from Johnny Unitas to Kurt…..
Lawrence Krauss was Interview by David Pakman where he said the teaching biblical creationism is like the Taliban and Child Abuse. Below is a link to that interview: What follows is my examination of what he was saying: Lawrence Krauss: Teaching Creationism Like Taliban, Child Abuse – Logical Fallacies 1. “Fear of going to hell” “irrational fear” and “child abuse”– Question Begging Epithet Also, is not believing in hell a scientific belief or a religious belief? 2. “Filling their minds…..
Robert Reich says that the GOP has “died in 2016” and “been replaced by warring tribes.” One of these “tribes” is “Evangelicals opposed to abortion, gay marriage, and science.”1 Just to clarify in case there is someone out there who does not get what he is saying; Reich is saying that anyone that believes the Bible rather than Darwin is opposed to science. Again, as a reminder, The General Theory of Evolution and the big bang theory are actually products…..
Taking Tuesday off, I saw this show on the Science Channel called Strip the Cosmos. Suspecting what it would be, I watched some of it and sure enough I was right. The episode that I watched was called “Alien Worlds.” It was filled with philosophical materialism (the belief that matter and energy are all that exist) guised as science. They were explaining how life could exist elsewhere. The whole point of this is to show that life is something that…..
Genesis 5:1-2 states “This is the book of the genealogy of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.”1 This is a short text. But what a person believes about this text will affect their world view entirely. First and foremost, the text tells us that we are not evolved from some apelike…..
My wife wanted me to watch The Incredible Hulk with her. I am not one to watch fictional movies. But I did want to please my wife so I agreed to watch it with her. This led to her getting mad at me. At a certain point in the movie, when Bruce Banner “hulked out,” I told my wife to pause the movie. I am an engineer. So of course, as an engineer, I was compelled to explain to my…..