Lawrence Krauss was Interview by David Pakman where he said the teaching biblical creationism is like the Taliban and Child Abuse. Below is a link to that interview:
What follows is my examination of what he was saying:
Lawrence Krauss: Teaching Creationism Like Taliban, Child Abuse – Logical Fallacies
1. “Fear of going to hell” “irrational fear” and “child abuse”– Question Begging Epithet Also, is not believing in hell a scientific belief or a religious belief?
2. “Filling their minds with fake stories” – Question Begging Epithet
Also, the General Theory of Evolution is a fairy tale for adults. Instead of a kiss from a princess, you have the magic wand of time turning a frog into a prince.
3. “Should believe this in spite of reality” – Bifurcation
Is the choice believing the Bible or reality?
4. One of two thing happen:
a. Learn what their parents have told them is a lie
b. “Go through life believing a myth”
Again Bifurcation.
5. Require a workforce in biotechnology. Evolution is the basis of modern technology.
Equivocation on the term evolution. Also a False Premise. Why does the General Theory of Evolution (the idea that all of life came from a “simple” single celled organism) have to do with making computers, plains, spaceships, HD television, cell phones, or even medicine. Again, a bacteria becoming immune to antibiotics is not the General Theory of Evolution.
6. “We need to encourage our children to question freely.” This is simply Krauss contradicting his own world view. Darwinists want the General Theory of Evolution taught as fact, without question, in our public schools.
7. Comparison to Santa Claus – Again, Question Begging Epithet
8. Comparison to Taliban – Another Question Begging Epithet
9. Slippery slope to not believe scientists – Appeal to Authority
10. “All of the rest of science and the results of science become suspect” – Who was just talking about teaching children to think for themselves? Again, self-contradictory.
11. He makes statements about “thinking they are doing something for the kid” but is still child abuse. This is an arbitrary statement that is completely reversible.
12. Who ultimately determine good or bad? They lost the argument right there in acknowledging there is good and bad. Again, Krauss is a philosophical materialist. -we are all “stardust.” Again, if we are just matter and energy, just stardust, our thoughts are just chemical reactions following the laws of physics and chemistry. So any actions from those thoughts are just a result of physics and chemistry. This is totally inconsistent with the concept of “good” and “bad.”
13. Krauss also fails to acknowledge that Christianity has led the way in bringing education to the masses.
Romans 1:20-22 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. 22Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.
Terry Read
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