Watching a YouTube video of world renowned atheists Lawrence Krauss and Richard Dawkins, I could not help but to wonder if they were listening to what they were saying.1 Some of the things that they said certainly convinces me of the God of the Bible. At 21 minutes and 30 seconds into the video, Dawkins states: “I think it’s something we need to be proud of our species for; because our species, every species, is designed by natural selection to…..
Wednesday, August 7, 2019 was Professional Engineers Day. Being an engineer, something that I could not help to notice is that God is a specification writer. We read about this in God giving Noah instructions to build the ark: “Build a large boat from cypress wood and waterproof it with tar, inside and out. Then construct decks and stalls throughout its interior. Make the boat 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. Leave an 18-inch opening below…..
I recently heard radio personality Michael Medved give his answer to an e-mail from a “thoughtful listener” who challenged Michael’s “commitment to faith and God,” asking: “You’re a smart person, who emphasizes evidence and logic. How then, can you give such importance in your life to something illogical for which there is no evidence?”1 Michael’s answer was to state how his “life dramatically improved” when he “began praying every day, and then observing the Sabbath.” Michael, this is all well…..
After the UTSA Religious Forum held last November, regarding molecules to man evolution; Sean, the Secular Student Alliance representative, told me: “the evidence is overwhelming.” This is not the first time I have heard that from a Darwinist. That is a talking point of Darwinists, to include theistic evolutionists. And they really believe it! But one of the “evidences” Sean used during the debate is how bacteria evolve. Bacteria do change. But bacteria are still bacteria. Using this as an…..
In April 2016, I wrote an article stating that Lawrence Krauss sounds just like Squealer the Pig from the TNT Animal Farm movie.1 Lawrence Krauss is a professor at Arizona State University that calls teaching children creationism “child abuse” and “withholding knowledge.”2 Watching William Federer’s Faith in History3, I learned that Lawrence Krauss also sounds like Joe Stalin. Federer had a quote from the book Landmarks in the Life of Stalin – “In order to disabuse the minds of our…..
Last Sunday I was watching Mysteries at the Museum; and there was a segment on Czech Dream. Czech Dream1 was a documentary made by two student filmmakers – Vít Klusák and Filip Remunda – who stage an elaborate hoax. They have this advertising campaign for this new “hypermarket,” where you can buy just about anything. It sounds like a Wal-Mart Supercenter. Anyway, people get there and it is just a façade held up by scaffolding. The point that the…..
Wednesday night, I was watching the 1999 TNT version of Animal Farm with my wife and son. For those of you who are not familiar with Animal Farm, Animal Farm was first a book written by George Orwell. The plot of the book is the animals took over the farm from farmer Jones. The idea was all the animals would be equal. But pigs led by a porker named Napoleon took power and made themselves “more equal.” A pig named…..
Lawrence Krauss was Interview by David Pakman where he said the teaching biblical creationism is like the Taliban and Child Abuse. Below is a link to that interview: What follows is my examination of what he was saying: Lawrence Krauss: Teaching Creationism Like Taliban, Child Abuse – Logical Fallacies 1. “Fear of going to hell” “irrational fear” and “child abuse”– Question Begging Epithet Also, is not believing in hell a scientific belief or a religious belief? 2. “Filling their minds…..
I do not know how many times I have heard “The Bible is not a science book!” Well, I must say for a book that is not a science book, the Bible has some pretty good science. As a Bible believer, there is one thing that I would agree with any scientist on, whether they are a scientist like John C. Sanford that believes in Biblical creation, or they are an ardent atheist like Richard Dawkins. Life on this planet…..
On the October 8, 2015 Michael Medved Show, at the end of the broadcast, two callers were very critical of Benjamin Carson. One caller stated “Ben Carson is a lunatic, a sociopathic lunatic.” Another caller disagreed that Carson is sociopathic, but stated “Benjamin Carson is deluded” because Carson does not believe in evolution (meaning the General Theory of Evolution). He went on about how Carson believed Darwin was “evil” and believed there is a “conspiracy” to teach evolution.1 Medved defended Carson,…..