Wednesday night, I was watching the 1999 TNT version of Animal Farm with my wife and son. For those of you who are not familiar with Animal Farm, Animal Farm was first a book written by George Orwell. The plot of the book is the animals took over the farm from farmer Jones. The idea was all the animals would be equal. But pigs led by a porker named Napoleon took power and made themselves “more equal.” A pig named Squealer was Napoleon’s second in command and did most of the talking.
The pigs took the puppies away from a dog named Jessie. Their plan was to use the dogs to exert power. When Jessie wanted to see her puppies, Squealer responded “If you were thinking clearly, then you would be pleased at the special education that we’re going to give them. You surely don’t want to disadvantage your own puppies. Do you?”1 That sounded strikingly familiar. On the David Parkman Show, Parkman and Lawrence Krauss, professor at Arizona State University and evangelist of atheism, were discussing how teaching children creationism was “child abuse.” Krauss stated “Withholding anything from your children that gives them a disadvantage or harms them and puts them at a disadvantage compared to others, especially as they grow into adulthood is child abuse.” 2
If you listen, Krauss actually goes on to suggest that children should be taken from parents if the parents teach their children not to believe in evolution, meaning the General theory of Evolution. This is interesting, since in Animal Farm, the pigs had taken the puppies away from Jessie.
The comparison between Krauss and Animal Farm goes even further. Animal Farm was really a satire about the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was a state founded on atheism and attempted to take God out of everything. Alexander Solzhenitsyn spent years in Soviet work camps for saying unflattering things about Joe Stalin in correspondence to a friend, even though Solzhenitsyn did not use Stalin’s name.3
In his 1979 Templeton Address, Solzhenitsyn stated “But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” In addressing what is going on at that time in the West, Solzhenitsyn goes on to say “All attempts to find a way out of the plight of today’s world are fruitless unless we redirect our consciousness, in repentance, to the Creator of all: without this, no exit will be illumined, and we shall seek it in vain.” Then he says “The laws of physics and physiology will never reveal the indisputable manner in which the Creator constantly, day in and day out, participates in the life of each of us, unfailingly granting us the energy of existence; when this assistance leaves us, we die. And in the life of our entire planet, the Divine Spirit surely moves with no less force: this we must grasp in our dark and terrible hour.”4
Krauss calls biblical creationism “fake stories,” “a myth,” “a lie” and compares creationism to Santa Clause. Krauss says “We need to encourage our children to question freely, and to try and think for themselves.” Krauss wants children to think for themselves in the same way the pigs wanted the puppies to think for themselves. What Krauss really wants is for children to be taught to believe what Krauss believes. Krauss states “It’s a slippery slope, because when you tell them don’t believe in evolution, then all of the rest of science and the results of science becomes suspect.” Krauss, being a scientist himself, should know that science is about questioning. If we did not question the scientific consensus, we would still believe in spontaneous generation, the sun revolving around the earth, and DNA that does not code for proteins being “junk.” By the way it is the Darwinists who were using the concept of “junk DNA” as evidence for the General Theory of Evolution. Read “Life’s Grand Design” by Kenneth R. Miller.5 Miller is a typical Darwinist who like Krauss, thinks he knows everything.
The scripture that I find most fitting for this article is Psalm 14:1 – “Only fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!”6
One final note: Boxer the horse trusted Napoleon. And he ended up being shipped to the glue factory.
Terry Read
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