In his 2014 article “Why Stop at Refusing to Bake a Cake for a Same-Sex Marriage,” Bernard Goldberg (a political pundit seen as conservative and actually opposed President Obama) sees the issue of a business owner who does not want to cater same sex “weddings” as a civil rights issue.1 He states: “But when laws are based on deeply held religious beliefs, I get nervous.” He compares this to people using their religious beliefs to justify segregation and laws against…..
In April 2016, I wrote an article stating that Lawrence Krauss sounds just like Squealer the Pig from the TNT Animal Farm movie.1 Lawrence Krauss is a professor at Arizona State University that calls teaching children creationism “child abuse” and “withholding knowledge.”2 Watching William Federer’s Faith in History3, I learned that Lawrence Krauss also sounds like Joe Stalin. Federer had a quote from the book Landmarks in the Life of Stalin – “In order to disabuse the minds of our…..
On February 23, I attended the documentary Is Genesis History? After the movie, for those interested, I handed out pamphlets with information about the San Antonio Bible Based Science Association.1 I handed out all of the pamphlets that I had. For those of you that have not seen it or heard about it, this movie supports the biblical creation account and Noah’s flood from a scientific perspective. It looks at biology, geology, astronomy, the fossil evidence, language, and the ancient…..
Wednesday night, I was watching the 1999 TNT version of Animal Farm with my wife and son. For those of you who are not familiar with Animal Farm, Animal Farm was first a book written by George Orwell. The plot of the book is the animals took over the farm from farmer Jones. The idea was all the animals would be equal. But pigs led by a porker named Napoleon took power and made themselves “more equal.” A pig named…..