On the October 8, 2015 Michael Medved Show, at the end of the broadcast, two callers were very critical of Benjamin Carson. One caller stated “Ben Carson is a lunatic, a sociopathic lunatic.” Another caller disagreed that Carson is sociopathic, but stated “Benjamin Carson is deluded” because Carson does not believe in evolution (meaning the General Theory of Evolution). He went on about how Carson believed Darwin was “evil” and believed there is a “conspiracy” to teach evolution.1 Medved defended Carson, saying he had not heard those quotes from Carson and talked about Carson’s education. Medved discussed how “any educated person” would want evolution to be taught and made the point how you can see microevolution happening.
What these callers did not realize is they are making the point of why we need a debate on this. In the words of Benjamin Carson “I was speaking at a university last May and people circulated a petition and said you can’t have this guy or somebody like this speak because he believes that God created the world, no real intellectual would believe that. You know, I mean this kind of mind boggling censorship of intellectual freedom is destroying our nation and we should not tolerate it.”2
The petition stated “… Dr. Carson insists on not seeing a difference between science, which is predictive and falsifiable, and religious belief systems, which by their very nature cannot be falsified. This is especially troubling since his great achievements in medicine allow him to be viewed as someone who “understands science.” …” 3 The petition put “understands science” in quotes. Benjamin Carson is a pioneering brain surgeon. But the people trying to keep him from speaking at Emory University were saying that Carson does not “understand science” because Carson does not accept the General Theory of Evolution (GTE).
It was just last February the media was saying Scott Walker was not “educated” enough to be president because Walker does not believe in GTE. A reporter was asking him about this in London.4 Do you see a pattern here? The Darwinists (who are generally man-made global warming/climate change alarmists) want to marginalize and silence anyone who disagrees with them. How often have we heard the term“settled science”? Well, I know that for most of my life, there were nine major planets. Now scientists say there are eight. What happened? Did Pluto disappear? Was Pluto a major planet all of that time it was the scientific consensus that Pluto was a major planet? Is Pluto all of a sudden no longer a major planet because it is the scientific consensus that Pluto is not a major planet? Did Pluto change?
I agree with Michael Medved that Benjamin Carson probably does want evolution to be taught. I do too. I even have a presentation that teaches what GTE actually says. Once people truly understand GTE, they understand how implausible GTE actually is. I think even many of the Darwinists know this. But they stay with it because of their commitment to materialistic philosophy (otherwise known as naturalism). Scott C. Todd of Kansas State University stated “Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such a hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic. Of course the scientist, as an individual, is free to embrace a reality that transcends naturalism.”5
As far as Darwin and GTE being “evil,” I would agree with that. Think about it. The Bible has a message – We are special beings created in the image of God. But we have been separated from God by sin and we deserve punishment. God, in the form of Jesus of Nazareth, took the punishment for our sins on the cross, and then rose from death, conquering death for all who put their trust in Him. Colossians 2:13-14 states “You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.”6
The General Theory of Evolution also has a message – We are at best animals engaged in a battle of survival. You can actually go further and say that we are nothing more than chemicals. Our very thoughts and any actions resulting from those thoughts are nothing more than chemical reactions following the laws of physics and chemistry. Lawrence Krauss, professor at Arizona State University stated “Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded…You are all stardust…So forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here today.”7
So again, think about it. If you believe the Bible and its message, knowing that the General Theory of Evolution turns people away from the Bible; believing that Darwin was and the General Theory of Evolution are evil is the only logical conclusion that you can come to. It is being consistent in one’s thinking.
As far as there being a conspiracy, check for yourself. Go to the National Center for Science Education website.8 Go to the Texas Freedom Network website.9 These groups want the General Theory of Evolution taught in our public schools as fact without question. I have put together a presentation showing that at a young age, children are being indoctrinated with the General Theory of Evolution and materialistic philosophy. I see the shows that my son watches.
If you actually agree that “evolution is a fact” and should be taught in our public schools without question, read what Ken Miller said about DNA that does not code for proteins.10 Ken Miller is a noted Darwinist who testified at the Dover trial.11 Read what Jerry A. Coyne of the University of Chicago said.12 Read what Michael Shermer of Skeptics’ Magazine wrote.13 Listen to Eugenie Scott, former head of the National Center for Science Education.”14 Basically they all called this DNA “junk” DNA and said it is proof of the General Theory of Evolution.
Then watch the PBS Nova Special “What Darwin Never Knew.” We now know that the DNA that does not code for proteins is not “junk”. As the Nova special explains, it serves as switches. But sure enough, the Nova special goes on to explain how that fits in with the General Theory of Evolution.15 In other words, when DNA that does not code for proteins is thought to not have a purpose, that proves the General Theory of Evolution. Now that we know that it has a purpose, that proves the General Theory of Evolution. The General Theory of Evolution is unfalsifiable. So using the “science” definition given in the Emory University petition, the General Theory of Evolution is not scientific.
Now I have a question for church leadership. What are you doing to partner with Biblical Creation organizations such as the San Antonio Bible Based Science Association16 to teach parishioners that they can reject the General Theory of Evolution and believe the Bible without compromise? Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? 70% of the people in this country still profess to be Christians. Would all of this be happening if churches were teaching parishioners that they can believe the Bible?
Terry Read
1. The Michael Medved Show, “Disagreement Day”, October 08, 2015.
2. Fox and Friends Sunday Morning, February 10, 2013
3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/ben-carsons-creationist-views-spark-controvery-over-commencement-speech/2012/05/08/gIQAi0vsBU_blog.html
4. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/11/scott-walker-dodges-question-on-whether-he-believes-in-evolution_n_6663218.html
5. Scott C. Todd [Department of Biology, Kansas State University, USA], “A view from Kansas on that evolution debate,” Nature, Vol. 401, 30 September 1999, p.423)
6. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians+2&version=NLT
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Jf-uQQnEyw
8. http://ncse.com/creationism
9. http://www.tfn.org/site/PageServer?pagename=issues_science_evolution
10. http://www.millerandlevine.com/km/evol/lgd/index.html
11. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/evolution/defense-evolution.html
12. http://www.discovery.org/a/17491
13. Michael Shermer – Why Darwin Matters, Chapter 4, Debating Intelligent Design, pp. 74-75, published 2006; http://www.salvomag.com/new/articles/salvo18/18luskin.php
14. http://kgov.com/journal-nature-junk-dna-not-junk-bob-enyart-vs-eugenie-scott
15. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/evolution/darwin-never-knew.html
16. http://www.sabbsa.org/
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