Recently, my mother was having higher than expected water bills. Being a retired bookkeeper, she would notice that. After watching some YouTube videos, I was ready to troubleshoot. My plan was to shut the valves in the water lines to all of the sinks and toilets and see if that stopped the water meter from running. Then if it did, open each valve until the meter started running again. Then I would know the problem. But before I got over…..
Over the years, I have had a number of failures in my discussions with people who do not believe the Bible. And of course those discussions are about the creation account in Genesis – something that church leaders who want to just talk about Jesus in the New Testament miss. I say “Jesus in the New Testament” because John 1, Colossians 1 and Hebrews 1 teach us that the creation account in Genesis is about Jesus. “Christ is the visible…..
On the October 8, 2015 Michael Medved Show, at the end of the broadcast, two callers were very critical of Benjamin Carson. One caller stated “Ben Carson is a lunatic, a sociopathic lunatic.” Another caller disagreed that Carson is sociopathic, but stated “Benjamin Carson is deluded” because Carson does not believe in evolution (meaning the General Theory of Evolution). He went on about how Carson believed Darwin was “evil” and believed there is a “conspiracy” to teach evolution.1 Medved defended Carson,…..