A recently aired Mysteries at the Museum episode – titled “Mysteries at the Kremlin” – featured a segment about Russian scientist Ilya Ivanov cross breeding animals using artificial insemination.1 Ivanov was a pioneering scientist. The segment describes how he crossed a zebra and a donkey and got a zedonk.2 But the story goes on to describe how Ivanov tried to cross humans with chimpanzees. As nutty as this sounds to me and I think most people with common sense,…..
On the October 8, 2015 Michael Medved Show, at the end of the broadcast, two callers were very critical of Benjamin Carson. One caller stated “Ben Carson is a lunatic, a sociopathic lunatic.” Another caller disagreed that Carson is sociopathic, but stated “Benjamin Carson is deluded” because Carson does not believe in evolution (meaning the General Theory of Evolution). He went on about how Carson believed Darwin was “evil” and believed there is a “conspiracy” to teach evolution.1 Medved defended Carson,…..