In December, 2017, in response to young earth biblical creation being called “Flintstones science,” I wrote an article called “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Science.”1 I made the point that the idea that genetic mutations can make life more advanced and more complex goes against everything we observe. What we actually observe is that genetic mutations are overwhelmingly negative; and over time cause a loss of genetic information, disease, suffering and death. If anyone questions this, all they need to do…..
I recently read that a Notre Dame group – We Stand For1 – walked out on Mike Pence – stating: “Our members lived in South Bend when Mike Pence was governor. We know all too well how his policies endangered or caused direct harm to public education, health care, women’s rights, the environment, LGBTQ individuals, immigrants and refugees, reproductive rights, local infrastructure, the economy of our state, and more.”2 In other words, the group is pro-abortion, pro-LBGTQ agenda, socialistic, does…..
Being a sports fan, I have been convinced for a long time that there are a lot of good players out there that never make it in the NFL, NBA or MLB; the reason being there is so much competition that a lot of good players get overlooked. Also, coaches and managers have a paradigm about what they are looking for and may not notice someone who does not fit that paradigm. I see players from Johnny Unitas to Kurt…..
Lawrence Krauss was Interview by David Pakman where he said the teaching biblical creationism is like the Taliban and Child Abuse. Below is a link to that interview: What follows is my examination of what he was saying: Lawrence Krauss: Teaching Creationism Like Taliban, Child Abuse – Logical Fallacies 1. “Fear of going to hell” “irrational fear” and “child abuse”– Question Begging Epithet Also, is not believing in hell a scientific belief or a religious belief? 2. “Filling their minds…..
Do you ever get angry when you are proved right? I do. Our pastor at my church has started a Sunday evening series called Why I Believe. It addresses the questions: Can I trust the Bible? How do I know that Christianity is true? In our last class on January 17, 2016, we discussed a number of evidences as to why we can believe the Bible from a scientific perspective, including evidence for Noah’s flood. We really had a good…..
Taking Tuesday off, I saw this show on the Science Channel called Strip the Cosmos. Suspecting what it would be, I watched some of it and sure enough I was right. The episode that I watched was called “Alien Worlds.” It was filled with philosophical materialism (the belief that matter and energy are all that exist) guised as science. They were explaining how life could exist elsewhere. The whole point of this is to show that life is something that…..
My wife wanted me to watch The Incredible Hulk with her. I am not one to watch fictional movies. But I did want to please my wife so I agreed to watch it with her. This led to her getting mad at me. At a certain point in the movie, when Bruce Banner “hulked out,” I told my wife to pause the movie. I am an engineer. So of course, as an engineer, I was compelled to explain to my…..
To truly understand the U.S. Supreme Court decision on what a “marriage” is, you need to understand that our country has rejected the Bible as truth and why this has happened. “Science” has been taken over by materialistic philosophy. Materialistic philosophy (otherwise known as naturalism) is the belief that matter and energy are all that exist – no afterlife, no angels and certainly no God. It goes hand in hand with atheism. It also forms a basis for secular humanism…..
On May 20, 2015, President Obama made his address to the Coast Guard Academy about climate change? Really, Mr. President? Is this our biggest problem now? Is this how you want to inspire graduates of our Coast Guard Academy? But to understand President Obama, you need to understand that he is a Darwinist – and what that means. In an interview with the York Daily Record, March 31, 2008, then Senator Obama stated the following: “I’m a Christian, and…..
If you pay attention to the news, you know that Governor Scott Walker is being attacked. One of the attacks is that he is not “educated” enough to be president; as he does not believe in evolution (the General Theory of Evolution). So that is how significant this topic is. The topic of evolution has entered the presidential debate. Church leadership for the most part is not doing anything to equip parishioners to defend the Bible when it comes…..