This past week I was struck by two news stories. The first one was Rachel Dolezal being disinvited from a Baltimore book festival.1 She was the person forced to resign as President of the NAACP because it was discovered she was not “black.” The second news story was a federal appeals court ruling that a 17 year old Wisconsin high school student, Ashton Whitaker, who is female, may use the boy’s room.2 Writing about the school’s policy, U.S. Circuit Judge Ann Claire Williams stated: “This policy is inherently based upon a sex‐classification and heightened review applies.”
Well yes, the school has the common sense to know that boys should use boy’s rooms and girls should use girl’s rooms. In my June 19, 2015 article “Make the Connections!,” I pointed out the inconsistency in people’s thinking.3 With Rachel Dolezal, they understand that people cannot choose their ethnicity. But they believe that people can choose their gender. Inconsistent thinking is what happens when people reject the Bible as truth.
As I point out in my previous article, it is much more of a stretch to say a person can choose their gender than to say a person can choose their “race.” Biblically, we are all decedents of Noah. There is one race – the human race. Per Acts 17:26, “we are all of one blood.”4 But per Jesus quoting Genesis in Matthew 19:4, there is “male and female.”5
Here is the message for the secular humanists: God’s word is not going away. Jeremiah 36 tells how King Jehoiakim burnt the prophesies of Jeremiah.6 William Tyndale was burnt at the stake for translating the Bible into English so you and I could read it.7 People have been trying to destroy God’s message and God’s messengers ever since Cain killed Abel.8 “The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.”9 – Isaiah 40:8.
Terry Read