We can all learn a lot of from history. “The Battle of Singapore” episode of Generals At War analyzed the decision making of Japanese General Tomoyuki Yamashita and British General Arthur Percival.1 Under Yamashita, the Japanese drove down the Malay Peninsula; and with the British surrender, captured Singapore. The reason given that Percival decided to surrender was that the British were running out of supplies, to include water. However, when discussing surrender terms, what Yamashita did not want Percival to…..
In January, on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, New York passed a law eliminating restrictions on late term abortions – even allowing babies born alive during attempted abortions to just die.1 A Born Alive Survivors Protection Act was introduced in Congress – which addresses doctors letting babies die when an abortion fails to kill the baby.2 Virginia Governor Northam had made comments supporting letting these babies die. But the bill was blocked.3 The Texas Legislature passed a similar bill…..
The program Faith in History with William Federer recently had an episode on Plato’s Republic. Federer discussed how initially a republic is led by people of virtue, people who love truth and wisdom. But people see these leaders being respected and honored, which leads to the next stage – the republic being led by people who are lovers of fame and honor.1 That is what motivates them – being honored, not doing what is right. And it struck me how…..
What Harvey Weinstein did can be explained very simply – he followed his own desires.1 This is what is repeatedly talked about in the Bible. Jeremiah 11:7 states: “For I solemnly warned your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt, ‘Obey me!’ I have repeated this warning over and over to this day, but your ancestors did not listen or even pay attention. Instead, they stubbornly followed their own evil desires.”2 We all have a sin nature. Jeremiah…..
This past week I was struck by two news stories. The first one was Rachel Dolezal being disinvited from a Baltimore book festival.1 She was the person forced to resign as President of the NAACP because it was discovered she was not “black.” The second news story was a federal appeals court ruling that a 17 year old Wisconsin high school student, Ashton Whitaker, who is female, may use the boy’s room.2 Writing about the school’s policy, U.S. Circuit Judge…..
Most of us have heard about the recent incident of Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos not getting to speak at the University of California-Berkeley because of rioting by the students in a successful attempt to shut down free speech.1 Yiannopoulos even describes how students inviting him are forced to pay for security. This is nuts. I of course am a Bible believing Christian and maintain that homosexuality is a sin that needs to be repented of, just as I need to…..
Without doubt, all of Hillary’s lying and scandals was the deciding factor in this close election – from her blaming Benghazi on an internet video1 to the Clinton Foundation’s “Pay to Play.”2 Hillary Clinton will unlikely be prosecuted for any of her actions. But her losing the presidency was her punishment. I do not know if this is a direct punishment from God, or it is just a natural consequence of sin. Yes, that is right. I used the “s”…..
Fox News recently aired the movie “Killing Reagan.” Of all of the “Killing” movies on Fox News, “Killing Reagan” is the one where the titled character was not actually killed. It is also the one event portrayal that I can actually remember. I was too young to remember the Kennedy assassination. At the end of the movie, Nancy Reagan pled with her husband to take advice from an astrologer with the belief he could avoid getting shot again. The president…..
My wife wanted me to watch The Incredible Hulk with her. I am not one to watch fictional movies. But I did want to please my wife so I agreed to watch it with her. This led to her getting mad at me. At a certain point in the movie, when Bruce Banner “hulked out,” I told my wife to pause the movie. I am an engineer. So of course, as an engineer, I was compelled to explain to my…..
But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord or speak in His name, His word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it! Jeremiah 20:9, NLT. These are the words Jeremiah spoke after Pashhur the priest had Jeremiah whipped and put into stocks for telling the people the message that they did not want to hear. The message from God was that the…..