Most of us have heard about the recent incident of Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos not getting to speak at the University of California-Berkeley because of rioting by the students in a successful attempt to shut down free speech.1 Yiannopoulos even describes how students inviting him are forced to pay for security. This is nuts. I of course am a Bible believing Christian and maintain that homosexuality is a sin that needs to be repented of, just as I need to repent of my sins. Yiannopoulos is living a homosexual life style and professes to be a Catholic. But here I am, siding in with Yiannopoulos that he should be allowed to speak. This is the United States of America. The people rioting should have to pay for the security. They are the problem. Yiannopoulos is a homosexual who does not fit in with what the left thinks a homosexual should be like. And they are trying to shut him down.
This is an ongoing tactic by the left, to force everyone to agree with them and squelch any dissent. In this incident with Yiannopoulos, as far as I know, it was students. But this has also been true of faculty, or even people in government. A professor at Missouri State University attempted to force a student, Emily Brooker, to sign a letter to the state legislature; stating that same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt.2 Eastern Michigan University expelled Julea Ward for not being willing to affirm the homosexual lifestyle with a client.3 Houston Mayor Annise Parker subpoenaed pastors’ sermons.4 Catholic adoption agencies are put out of business for not adopting out to same-sex couples.5 And of course photographers, bakers and florists are being attacked with suits and put out of business for not wanting to cater same-sex “weddings.”6
But this is nothing new. Acts Chapter 21 tells of people following Paul around to falsely accuse Paul and stir up riots.7 Then Paul would end up getting arrested. Sound familiar? In Chapter 22, Paul tells his story.8 The crowd listened – until Paul told them the Lord had sent him to the Gentiles. That is something that they did not want to hear. So they began shouting him down. Again, sound familiar? Acts Chapter 4 tells how the Jewish leaders tried to keep Peter and John from speaking out.9 Mark Chapter 6 describes how Herodias manipulated Herod into arresting then killing John the Baptist for criticizing Herod for marrying Herodias after Herodias had been married to Herod’s brother.10 Jeremiah Chapter 19 describes how Jeremiah smashed a clay jar as a metaphor for how God was going to smash the people of Judah for their idol worship and child sacrifice.11 And what happened? Jeremiah 20:1-2 states: “Now Pashhur son of Immer, the priest in charge of the Temple of the Lord, heard what Jeremiah was prophesying. So he arrested Jeremiah the prophet and had him whipped and put in stocks at the Benjamin Gate of the Lord’s Temple.”12
And today, even in the Christian community, theistic evolutionists want to shut down people that actually believe the Bible. Ken Miller, who professes to be a Roman Catholic, wants the General Theory of Evolution taught in our public schools as fact, without question. He testified at the Dover Trial.13 Of course, he is also one of the scientists that used “junk” DNA as evidence for the General Theory of Evolution. In a 1994 article titled “Life’s Grand Design” Miller stated: “In fact, the human genome is littered with pseudogenes, gene fragments, “orphaned” genes, “junk” DNA, and so many repeated copies of pointless DNA sequences that it cannot be attributed to anything that resembles intelligent design.”14 Of course, now we know there is no such thing as “junk” DNA. Even the Darwinist leaning magazine Scientific American had to recognize that.15 When someone wants to squelch opposing viewpoints, it is usually for a reason – a bad reason.
Terry Read