Neither Side Gets It! C-Span recently aired a debate hosted by the CATO institute – “Religious Freedom and Anti-Discrimination Law” – regarding Colorado bringing its force to bear on baker Jack Phillips who refused to do a same-sex “wedding” cake. Ilya Shapiro of the CATO Institute elegantly defended freedom of religion and freedom of speech. John Paul Schnapper-Casteras of the NAACP, made numerous references to Piggy Park, a restaurant that discriminated against “blacks.” Schnapper-Casteras was trying to “piggy back” onto…..
Planned Parenthood is once again in the news – this time for selling baby body parts from abortions. And of course the Obama administration is siding with Planned Parenthood. Many people are outraged, as they should be. I find it interesting that something in the “fish stage” or a “blob of tissue” could have human body parts. But all of this is to be expected once you know the common thread of Planned Parenthood and Nazi Germany – which…..