In his 2014 article “Why Stop at Refusing to Bake a Cake for a Same-Sex Marriage,” Bernard Goldberg (a political pundit seen as conservative and actually opposed President Obama) sees the issue of a business owner who does not want to cater same sex “weddings” as a civil rights issue.1 He states: “But when laws are based on deeply held religious beliefs, I get nervous.” He compares this to people using their religious beliefs to justify segregation and laws against…..
Neither Side Gets It! C-Span recently aired a debate hosted by the CATO institute – “Religious Freedom and Anti-Discrimination Law” – regarding Colorado bringing its force to bear on baker Jack Phillips who refused to do a same-sex “wedding” cake. Ilya Shapiro of the CATO Institute elegantly defended freedom of religion and freedom of speech. John Paul Schnapper-Casteras of the NAACP, made numerous references to Piggy Park, a restaurant that discriminated against “blacks.” Schnapper-Casteras was trying to “piggy back” onto…..
Recently I saw a “Rights at Risk” episode on Stossel. John Stossel was debating with Democratic consultant Jessica Tarlov on a segment called “The Rights of Entrepreneurs.”1 First, Tarlov was defending “anti-discrimination” laws which are to force Christian bakers to cater same-sex “weddings.” Next, Tarlov was defending laws that are to force Christian employers to provide birth control (that would include abortifacients). Tarlov stated: “It is a right now to have that!” while pointing at birth control pills that John…..
Recent terrorist attacks on Paris and San Bernardino have reawakened fears of Islamic terrorism. After September 11, 2001, when the terrorists brought down four planes, the World Trade Center and also hit the Pentagon, the song “God Bless America” became very popular again. And I, as much as anyone, want God to bless America. My son is only eight years old and for his sake I want God to bless America. But you have to ask yourself: Why Should He?…..