Neither Side Gets It! C-Span recently aired a debate hosted by the CATO institute – “Religious Freedom and Anti-Discrimination Law” – regarding Colorado bringing its force to bear on baker Jack Phillips who refused to do a same-sex “wedding” cake. Ilya Shapiro of the CATO Institute elegantly defended freedom of religion and freedom of speech. John Paul Schnapper-Casteras of the NAACP, made numerous references to Piggy Park, a restaurant that discriminated against “blacks.” Schnapper-Casteras was trying to “piggy back” onto…..
The Charlie Gard case shows how hypocritical “pro-choice” people are.1 They believe parents should have the right to kill their baby for any reason and under any circumstances. But they do not believe parents have the right to try to save their baby. To understand this, we have to look at another Charlie – Charles Darwin. In his Descent of Man, Charles Darwin stated: “With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated; and those that survive commonly…..
Update: Below is the link to our Roe V. Wade broadcast which was January 21, 2017. Sunday, January 22, marks the 44th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Something that really pulls my chain is when pro-choice people say that my opinion on abortion does not count – or I do not even deserve to have an opinion – because I am a man. The implication is that I am out running around getting women pregnant and leaving women to…..
Planned Parenthood is once again in the news – this time for selling baby body parts from abortions. And of course the Obama administration is siding with Planned Parenthood. Many people are outraged, as they should be. I find it interesting that something in the “fish stage” or a “blob of tissue” could have human body parts. But all of this is to be expected once you know the common thread of Planned Parenthood and Nazi Germany – which…..