I am not into watching fictional shows. But one night my son was watching The Flash and something caught my ear. The character Caitlin stated: “If Dr. Wells is who you say he is, everything I’ve done since the minute I’ve stepped foot in S.T.A.R. labs has been a lie.”1 This is true about human nature. People will not want to admit to themselves that they have invested themselves in something that is a lie. And that is a major obstacle with us getting the word out to people that they can actually believe the Bible – not only with ardent atheist, but also pastors and church leaders who have compromised the Bible.
I have heard biblical creation or young earth creation referred to as “Flintstones science.” Well, I have a name for the General Theory of Evolution (molecules to man or Darwinian evolution) – “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle science!” The idea that genetic mutations can make life more complex and advanced goes against everything that we observe. If you or a loved one has suffered from cancer, diabetes, or a host of other diseases; it is most likely from a genetic mutation.2 Genetic mutations are copying errors in the DNA, and they are overwhelmingly bad and cause a loss of information, just like a typo in a computer program is bad and causes a loss in information. Genomes of plants, animals, and people degrade over time. But Darwinists sell the idea that genetic mutations are how all of the genetic information for all of life was created. I just found out recently that my cousin’s three year old grandchild has bone cancer and leukemia. This is really heartbreaking. It is from genetic mutations! If you have invested yourself in Darwinian evolution – “The truth will set you free.”3
Terry Read