Watching a YouTube video of world renowned atheists Lawrence Krauss and Richard Dawkins, I could not help but to wonder if they were listening to what they were saying.1 Some of the things that they said certainly convinces me of the God of the Bible. At 21 minutes and 30 seconds into the video, Dawkins states: “I think it’s something we need to be proud of our species for; because our species, every species, is designed by natural selection to…..
Wednesday, August 7, 2019 was Professional Engineers Day. Being an engineer, something that I could not help to notice is that God is a specification writer. We read about this in God giving Noah instructions to build the ark: “Build a large boat from cypress wood and waterproof it with tar, inside and out. Then construct decks and stalls throughout its interior. Make the boat 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. Leave an 18-inch opening below…..
Over the years, I have had a number of failures in my discussions with people who do not believe the Bible. And of course those discussions are about the creation account in Genesis – something that church leaders who want to just talk about Jesus in the New Testament miss. I say “Jesus in the New Testament” because John 1, Colossians 1 and Hebrews 1 teach us that the creation account in Genesis is about Jesus. “Christ is the visible…..
I recently heard radio personality Michael Medved give his answer to an e-mail from a “thoughtful listener” who challenged Michael’s “commitment to faith and God,” asking: “You’re a smart person, who emphasizes evidence and logic. How then, can you give such importance in your life to something illogical for which there is no evidence?”1 Michael’s answer was to state how his “life dramatically improved” when he “began praying every day, and then observing the Sabbath.” Michael, this is all well…..
I am not into watching fictional shows. But one night my son was watching The Flash and something caught my ear. The character Caitlin stated: “If Dr. Wells is who you say he is, everything I’ve done since the minute I’ve stepped foot in S.T.A.R. labs has been a lie.”1 This is true about human nature. People will not want to admit to themselves that they have invested themselves in something that is a lie. And that is a major…..
This past Wednesday, I attended the 4th Annual UTSA Religious Forum. On the panel, they had SGI Buddhists, a Catholic nun, an American Humanist, a Hillel (Jewish), and members of the Secularist Student Alliance – sponsoring the event. The organizers wanted diverse viewpoints. But when the topic of evolution come up – everyone agreed Darwinian evolution (molecules to man) was a “fact.” The organizers thought the Christian viewpoint was represented by the nun and did not see the importance of…..
In April 2016, I wrote an article stating that Lawrence Krauss sounds just like Squealer the Pig from the TNT Animal Farm movie.1 Lawrence Krauss is a professor at Arizona State University that calls teaching children creationism “child abuse” and “withholding knowledge.”2 Watching William Federer’s Faith in History3, I learned that Lawrence Krauss also sounds like Joe Stalin. Federer had a quote from the book Landmarks in the Life of Stalin – “In order to disabuse the minds of our…..
These past few days, three notable people that I obviously did not know personally, but know about, passed away – Florence Henderson, Ron Glass, and Fidel Castro. I was really into the Brady Bunch when it originally aired. So of course, to me Florence Henderson was Carol Brady; although I understand she was an accomplished performer.1 Ron Glass was a very fine actor that I remember as Detective Ron Harris on the show Barney Miller. But Ron Glass really displayed…..
Being a sports fan, I have been convinced for a long time that there are a lot of good players out there that never make it in the NFL, NBA or MLB; the reason being there is so much competition that a lot of good players get overlooked. Also, coaches and managers have a paradigm about what they are looking for and may not notice someone who does not fit that paradigm. I see players from Johnny Unitas to Kurt…..
Taking Tuesday off, I saw this show on the Science Channel called Strip the Cosmos. Suspecting what it would be, I watched some of it and sure enough I was right. The episode that I watched was called “Alien Worlds.” It was filled with philosophical materialism (the belief that matter and energy are all that exist) guised as science. They were explaining how life could exist elsewhere. The whole point of this is to show that life is something that…..