After the UTSA Religious Forum held last November, regarding molecules to man evolution; Sean, the Secular Student Alliance representative, told me: “the evidence is overwhelming.” This is not the first time I have heard that from a Darwinist. That is a talking point of Darwinists, to include theistic evolutionists. And they really believe it! But one of the “evidences” Sean used during the debate is how bacteria evolve. Bacteria do change. But bacteria are still bacteria. Using this as an…..
I do not know how many times I have heard “The Bible is not a science book!” Well, I must say for a book that is not a science book, the Bible has some pretty good science. As a Bible believer, there is one thing that I would agree with any scientist on, whether they are a scientist like John C. Sanford that believes in Biblical creation, or they are an ardent atheist like Richard Dawkins. Life on this planet…..
My wife wanted me to watch The Incredible Hulk with her. I am not one to watch fictional movies. But I did want to please my wife so I agreed to watch it with her. This led to her getting mad at me. At a certain point in the movie, when Bruce Banner “hulked out,” I told my wife to pause the movie. I am an engineer. So of course, as an engineer, I was compelled to explain to my…..