On Tuesday, October 22, on my drive home, I heard Joe Pags discussing how in court a mother won a verdict against the boy’s father to have her seven year old son transition to a “girl.”1 This would involve the boy taking hormone blockers to prevent puberty.2. The mother says that James “identifies” as a girl and chooses to wear girls clothing. The father says that James wants to wear boys clothing around him. There are a number of points…..
The January 2017 issue of National Geographic features what is truly a very sad situation. Avery Jackson is featured as a 9 year old “transgender girl.”1 This is extremely sad on several accounts. First it is very sad that a young boy (That is right, I said boy.) would be so confused. What is even sadder is the state of our society, exemplified by National Geographic. Because of political correctness, and denial that there is truth, young Avery is not…..