I do not know how many times I have heard “The Bible is not a science book!” Well, I must say for a book that is not a science book, the Bible has some pretty good science. As a Bible believer, there is one thing that I would agree with any scientist on, whether they are a scientist like John C. Sanford that believes in Biblical creation, or they are an ardent atheist like Richard Dawkins. Life on this planet…..
To truly understand the U.S. Supreme Court decision on what a “marriage” is, you need to understand that our country has rejected the Bible as truth and why this has happened. “Science” has been taken over by materialistic philosophy. Materialistic philosophy (otherwise known as naturalism) is the belief that matter and energy are all that exist – no afterlife, no angels and certainly no God. It goes hand in hand with atheism. It also forms a basis for secular humanism…..