I recently read that a Notre Dame group – We Stand For1 – walked out on Mike Pence – stating: “Our members lived in South Bend when Mike Pence was governor. We know all too well how his policies endangered or caused direct harm to public education, health care, women’s rights, the environment, LGBTQ individuals, immigrants and refugees, reproductive rights, local infrastructure, the economy of our state, and more.”2 In other words, the group is pro-abortion, pro-LBGTQ agenda, socialistic, does…..
Being a sports fan, I have been convinced for a long time that there are a lot of good players out there that never make it in the NFL, NBA or MLB; the reason being there is so much competition that a lot of good players get overlooked. Also, coaches and managers have a paradigm about what they are looking for and may not notice someone who does not fit that paradigm. I see players from Johnny Unitas to Kurt…..
Robert Reich says that the GOP has “died in 2016” and “been replaced by warring tribes.” One of these “tribes” is “Evangelicals opposed to abortion, gay marriage, and science.”1 Just to clarify in case there is someone out there who does not get what he is saying; Reich is saying that anyone that believes the Bible rather than Darwin is opposed to science. Again, as a reminder, The General Theory of Evolution and the big bang theory are actually products…..
My wife wanted me to watch The Incredible Hulk with her. I am not one to watch fictional movies. But I did want to please my wife so I agreed to watch it with her. This led to her getting mad at me. At a certain point in the movie, when Bruce Banner “hulked out,” I told my wife to pause the movie. I am an engineer. So of course, as an engineer, I was compelled to explain to my…..
Are you aware of what your children are watching? Note that I did not ask “Do you know what your children are watching?” You may know what your children are watching and may miss the messages if you are not tuned in to what is going on. Being aware of materialistic philosophy, I am very cognizant of some of the materialistic messages in children’s shows. Materialistic philosophy is the belief that matter and energy are all that exist –…..
If you pay attention to the news, you know that Governor Scott Walker is being attacked. One of the attacks is that he is not “educated” enough to be president; as he does not believe in evolution (the General Theory of Evolution). So that is how significant this topic is. The topic of evolution has entered the presidential debate. Church leadership for the most part is not doing anything to equip parishioners to defend the Bible when it comes…..