I have been making the case for more than ten years now that churches need to be more proactive in teaching people that they can believe the Bible. I know this from my own experience. I know this from my observations of and engagements with other people. Here is a first hand testimony of a new member of the San Antonio Bible Based Science Association regarding this issue – Roman Villarreal:
Indoctrinating a generation
“The millennial exodus and fall of a nation”
By: Roman Villarreal- July 1, 2018
Causality- Also referred to as causation, (or cause and effect) is what connects one process (the cause) with another process or state (the effect).
As of now I am 26 years old, being an observant person of human nature I have witnessed many factors at play that have shaped who my generation are as people that have gone unnoticed to the majority of Millennials – None being quite as influential as the American educational system and the effects of the mainstreamed culture in our modern society.
Foremost I must emphasize this article is merely a simple observation of Newton’s 3rd Law, cause and effect, and seeks to survey the state of society as a whole. My views are subject to change dependant on factual data based on the scientific method.
Now I personally can share a very atheistic perspective on the universe and empathize with an evolutionary standpoint on the question of our origins because I myself was not raised in the church. In my early childhood there was no heavy value placed on faith nor were my atheistic worldviews ever challenged until my mid to late teens.
Beyond question the most influential factor for this being I, and the student majority I matured alongside in school, were involuntarily initiated into a certain philosophy. Introduced at a preschool age to concepts and theories- (all purported as established scientific fact) that did not line up with the biblical account of history. In between all of which there is never a mention of a Bible or God or so much as any scientific counter-theory for that matter, against this train of thought. In this type of setting while our minds were freshly developing, never once did our lessons include constructive disagreement or debate, nor was there a reason to.
An experimental philosophy
By the early 90’s Evolutionary theory had profoundly succeeded in the removal of a connection to God any part of our education could possibly create. In my childhood, if you can imagine your memories from the age of 7 years old stepping into your 2nd grade classroom and as you take your seat the “Mrs.” quietly begins to hand out your first assignment. The first worksheet of what would be several new assignments focusing on early earth history. With all our grades relying on how well you grasp the age of the earth based on rock layers most of us had a sense of relief, happy at how fortunate we were to avoid the harrowing death of math and have such a simple lesson for the day. The goal being to establish the child has understood how the layers of earth formed over the course of billions of years. Grabbing my favorite purple and blue crayons along with my classmates, we easily colored in the segmented regions of the paper each a different color; one color to designate which was oldest, and to the most recent and current layer all the way at the top.
Most parents today would be proud to see their child exhibiting such healthy cognitive development and would view the assignment as a welcome and necessary addition, of an established fact, to a child’s education.
It never ceases to amaze me though how Christian parents never seem to realize the subliminal train wreck their child has just received that will permanently condition their interpretation of the natural world around them. Coupled with the fact that again, God and any supporting science based argument from the Bible have been far removed from the present day classroom and you have the recipe for a devout atheist.
Now Astronomy has always been a fascinating subject for most kids, usually a very exciting journey of exploration into what we could only see in movies as our imaginations ran wild of what lurks in the dark vacuum of the unknown.
Within the exact same week and beginning right after retaining our lessons on rock layers, we shuffled eagerly into our unusually dark classroom to find a wall of satellite earth images displayed from the overhead projector. Just the overhead projector itself was enough to amaze my mid 90’s friends, but witnessing the inner solar system for what was to many of us the very first time besides from watching Star Wars was astonishing.
Then we see an artist’s rendering of the early earth, billions of years ago before any “Evolution” had taken place yet. We learned how scientists know for a fact the earth took several billion years to be created, a stark contrast to six days. Over the course of that time microbial and animal life “Evolved” spontaneously out of a theoretical “Primordial Soup.” In reality there never was a need for a creator when life could create itself. It just needs an inconceivable amount of time, and a lot of faith.
Lo and behold we saw how millions of years passed and how we were all connected to lower class animals and amoebas. One of which evolved into mammals, and yes eventually highly evolved primates stood upright for the very first time, a marvelous feat of nature! We could all share in a deep, proud sense of achievement, not because we were the created image of God, but because our species managed to evolve from unsophisticated bacteria to human — something that is scientifically impossible according to the Law of Probability; even within the 4 billion year life of the earth.
As a child, you never think to question your education; to the contrary there are few things emphasized with greater importance in our modern society than our “education.” Even rising above parenthood and marriage, who would ever dare to question the great and immutable – Education.
Criteria of Truth- Standards and rules used to judge the accuracy of statements and claims. They are tools of verification. Understanding a philosophy’s criteria of truth is fundamental to a clear evaluation of that philosophy.
I wouldn’t know until more than a decade later, but in those same lesson plans, diagrams and artist renderings, they neglect to include or so much as mention the plethora of modern day animal fossils – a number of which lie within the exact same “fossil eras” and layers as the dinosaurs – many of these being fossilized mammals remaining eerily un-phased by the Natural Selection or Mutation process supposedly driving all genetic variation and evolution on this planet. Several of those found still bearing a completely unchanged resemblance to their modern day counterparts.
At the end of the week, after receiving spectacular marks on all of our assignments and with our parents proud of us, the children head out to church on Sunday. If you can vicariously envision a young girl being up heaved from her videogames, reluctantly having no choice but to go and be bored. With no concept of spirituality and no evidence she’ll accomplish anything she arrives at the church, dreading every minute. She walks holding the hand of either mom or dad, whoever brought her because they’re divorced already anyway, and takes an uncomfortably hard seat. With the cool blast of A/C providing something of comfort, all that’s left is to sit and wait out the storm, and the sermon starts.
As the verses carry on she tunes in and out, fantasizing how her day will be after she attains freedom, until… Genesis being reviewed, she captures the creation story in her head. Trying to imagine where the monkeys must fit in to the account, she stops and thinks… “Wait!?” With the rock layers she colored still fresh in her mind, she puts her newfound philosophy into action and realizes… She just spent 3 weeks learning she crawled out of the mud and came from a primate. It was awesome! She saw diagrams that spanned millions of years with dinosaurs that all conveniently left out the parrots and platypuses or the rabbits and the flowers that weren’t supposed to evolve for another several million years. But now, she’s sitting in an uncomfortable wooden pew away from her television, and the thought crosses her young influenced mind, “Isn’t all of this God stuff completely fake? Isn’t this just another way to get me to behave by dangling a punishment or reward in front of me just like when my parents told me about Santa? Though I figured out that one was a Christmas lie pretty quickly… My teacher already taught me what the truth is, my school showed me where we came from, the scientists already figured everything out.. Everybody’s awkwardly whispering to an invisible sky Santa! They think we all need a sky Santa to know how to behave, but I can decide what’s right!.. All by myself!”
Newton’s 3rd Law- For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Now parents what’s happened is actually appalling.. You’ve successfully allowed this girl to sustain a sufficient quantity of daily indoctrination, to the point where her mind has passed the threshold that constitutes a spiritual death. She isn’t alone; her friends no longer see our God in his design, and likewise our God given higher purpose. You’ve passively avoided having to take any responsibility in the direction your child’s education follows, enabling what motivation to glorify the Lord she ever had to be ripped out of the girl… All in the name of education for her future financial success and security in the workforce, and this is viewed as “progress”. The icing on the cake of all this is the Christian church as a whole has completely failed at addressing this brainwashing campaign…
On a spiritual battlefield true Christian men and women battle daily with the eternity of souls at stake. But there are no ranks, entire captains and generals have all long retreated and fled the conflict, leaving us congregants with no plan of action or hierarchical structure. Only to sit and wait in an ever thickening fog of confusion where one by one each of us gets snatched away, succumbing to societal pressures of thrilling promiscuity. Often with promises of happiness masqueraded as liberation from an outdated, oppressive religious ideology – Escapees becoming a symbol of virtue and enlightenment as they demonstrate to their friends and children how they were able to free themselves from the mental enslavement of Christian dogma.
Like the contracting pores of a fungus ready to give birth, the plague of ignorance elegantly bursts. Gently releasing its spores they flow from the lips of a fool, gliding as through the currents of the wind, parasitically contaminating all deteriorating life. Finding nourishment in the death and decay of a rotting mind they take root, and with newfound fertility they spread, preparing a new fruit to distribute itself once more. Atheism is a decomposer of societies, and Evolution its parasitic spore.
Sample Space- The set of all possible outcomes in an experiment.
Where we all find ourselves now is witnessing the consequences of this chain reaction in our world nations- Morality, becoming no longer ingrained as a universal standard but instead established by the individual on a moment to moment basis.
Even the absence of scientific support doesn’t hold atheists back now, with claims of men and women interchangeably able to exchange their sexuality becoming an increasingly popular position. Under this logic there is no limit to what “Humanity” can be defined as, appearing in the image of “Love” and “Equality” it is now likened to a cute spectrum of colors.. With the image of God’s promise to Noah- The rainbow, now claimed by the homosexual community with the proclamation of “Pride” – A shattering kick to the Lord’s mouth and his repentance after The Great Flood.
Men now take to the streets of our cities in celebration, some going as far as presenting themselves to toddlers kneeling as a literal dog in underwear and leather, complete with chain choker and master. Many preteen children being allowed to partake even going as far as to distribute condoms so AIDS can be avoided in after parade festivities… All under the parental supervision of a morally corrupt guardian. With God no longer the arbiter of righteousness and decency, the absolute judge of all becomes sexual immorality and emotion.
If this was all just a simple matter of adults choosing to live how they deem proper then you would get away with calling me a bigot. But in a day where Kindergartners are exposed to “Drag Queen Story time”, 3yr old babies are encouraged to behave “Gender Neutral” and young preteen boys like Jazz Jennings are taking puberty suppressing drugs or performing for grown men in erotic Drag Queen shows, you are dead wrong.. The sexualization of a child no longer bears the crime of child abuse but alternately discouraging your child from pursuing a mental illness does.
This is the end result of forced Atheism, popularized as freedom from an oppressive world system. Whether you’re a woman or a black man, transgender or simply just a millennial… Your oppressed. The National Socialist German Workers Party themselves couldn’t have accomplished such an impressive feat.. The culmination of this indoctrination has fostered the perfect breeding ground for Cultural Marxism and legal Infanticide.
A malignant tumor
Understanding the source leads to another question, what were the end-stage symptoms of this disease? – The mass exodus of my entire generation from every single church.
Statistically speaking no generation has left the churches in complete droves quite like mine has, excluding the communist and socialist purgatories that have come and gone. Worldwide this is an epidemic across the board affecting all Abrahamic religions not exclusive to just Christianity, though surprisingly Islam has increased in popularity.
Interestingly the Millennials have not completely moved away from religion but have rather developed new semi-scientific concepts, preferring to worship oneself hedonistically under the facade of spirituality and New Age doctrines. Now the glorification of the “conscious being” via materialistic pleasures and self-satisfaction take precedence over the glorification of God. The purpose of life shifting from God’s will, to simply attaining the highest pleasure in a competition of excessive depravity. Often taking the form of sexual gratification and immorality; As it was in the days of Noah.
Much of the situation is partly due to the churches lack of action against the early-onset brainwashing of our children. Though in their defense the beginning of this war commenced with the church completely ill-equipped to combat what the educational system had become.
Terminal Disease, treatment or assisted suicide?
A glimmer of hope does linger on the horizon though as a plethora of hard scientific data is being submitted daily by Christian/Jewish scientists in their respective fields on the cutting edge of modern research. With organizations such as SABBSA willing to present this knowledge to the public we, and the churches no longer have an excuse for letting this deterioration of God’s word further worsen.
Necessary resources are now readily available but in order to begin a full push-back we need cooperation on the churches part. Too few churches are waging a proactive offense against these issues and those that do are limited in what resources they can offer.
Feeding the lion.
Change will not happen on its own, the adversary roars about like a lion seeking someone to devour. It will take YOU fulfilling your duty as a Christian to open a dialogue with your church leaders and family, initiating the conversation of Creationism and Science. The adversary loves your passive silence and lack of knowledge and preparation. Without common decency and concern for your fellow men you would willingly be choosing to allow your children to live at the mercy of a godless society. I myself discovered nothing of my own free will; I only began to question my Atheism in 2007 after a young girl named Maddelyn Mesa presented to me a book concerning the correlation between modern day events and biblical prophecy. I owe who I am today to that moment 11 years ago. YOU NEED TO BEGIN SOWING.
We cannot continue to conveniently relegate to churches what our duty as disciples of God dictates- Matthew 28:19-20 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
The church by definition should justifiably be disconnected from this societal evolution and remain uninfluenced to pressures for adaptation. Though this may not always be the case, for the most part this position leaves churches; and Evangelists born in the church, at a disadvantage for gauging how modern society has shaped the average perception towards them. I have seen the effects of this while performing door to door Evangelism with Christians, observing what methods are utilized.. In terms of the “Parable of the sower” and the 4 soils I would say the most common strategy known as “411” (A 1 minute personal testimony of before and after salvation) is effective, to a very limited degree.
To explain my perspective, I must point out that in Jesus’s day when the sower parable was given Atheism was borderline nonexistent, people either worshipped Yahweh or a lesser Pagan deity. Even if a culture chose not to worship the invisible Supreme God or a Pagan demon they erected idols they could see and touch to worship. Indiscriminately throwing gospel seed was the most effective method for this era and much of human history, you either had fertile soil or you didn’t. But in this day of sophisticated indoctrination exactly how efficient of a method is throwing seed if all that is accomplished is feeding the spiritually dead crows, only to have them regurgitate weeds over an already razed field?
Confounding Variables- A variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable causing a spurious association.
At this point in time we no longer live in a society of 4 soils but have encountered a new 5th soil, the “Salted Ground.” A soil ravaged by warfare and intentionally poisoned in a sustained effort to choke the seed. What lies beneath may be the most fertile ground out of the 5, but a salted soil could only be rejuvenated through a systematic approach. That being said, I would say the majority of people in the world today have salted ground, where a seed may be existing already, only waiting to be watered on a degraded top soil.
People no longer lack the seed today, you’d be hard pressed to find anybody who has never heard of Christianity or Jesus. But the growth is suppressed through the clever deception of Evolution under the guise of “Truth” and “Evidence based decisions” – all philosophically implemented at early childhood as we sent our children away for their education with a smile and lunchbox; this we need to recognize, is the salt. So, while evangelizing door to door how can we logically expect to produce fruit by shoving more seed into poisoned ground? Those few minority whom already have a growing seedling will always be receptive, but as evangelists have we truly succeeded in planting any seeds where there was none before? Where the Lord had not already done all the work for us?
Trying to spill our whole life stories in a literal minute and asking the recipient how interested are they in learning about the gospel is not sowing, its attempting to reap or water where there most likely is no live seed at all. Needless to say, if you’re in my generation the reception of these tactics is obvious to predict
People are put-off by, in a sense, being spiritually manhandled right at their front door. The flow of the conversation is completely unnatural, usually causing the listener to understandably feel awkward even to the point where I have painfully observed them trying to avoid eye contact. Physically and spiritually a door closes, and with it an opportunity destroyed. None of these types of methods will break through 13 yrs of the psychological indoctrination my generation has received. None can grow in salted ground.
Degenerative Disease- The result of a continuous process based on degenerative cell changes, affecting tissues or organs, which will increasingly deteriorate over time.
As we age the issue gets more complex with high school Biology now grading 16yr olds based on how well they can describe the pseudoscience of Human-Primate common ancestry. Complete with outdated textbooks still boasting an already debunked 98% genetic relation to apes; all whilst completely ignoring the dozens of geneticists who have worked on mapping the human genome and dropped evolution as a result.
I would love to extend a challenge to anybody who believes genetics proves Evolutionary Theory and we are highly evolved primates. Research through the Creationist websites and organizations and take up the debate with an actual geneticist. To atheist and Christian alike, a good starting point would be the Answers in Genesis organizations website and the articles “Genetics Confirms the Recent, Supernatural Creation of Adam and Eve- by Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson and Jeffrey P. Tomkins” which is an excerpt from “Searching for Adam” and “Finding Adam in the Genome: A Response to Adam and the Genome- by Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson.”
Don’t call yourself an atheist until you at least hear both sides and exhibit a basic understanding of the science you claim disproves God. Otherwise you’re the equivalent of a Christian who has never read the Bible.
Creationism- Domestic violence
Pursuing biblical science is not a brotherly path of fellowship filled with acceptance and communion like our churches where every mistake is forgiven. No to the contrary you will argue, you will fight, your every mistake will follow you, you will be insulted and judged, you will be criticized, you will be reviewed, your reputation will be called into question and your career put into jeopardy. You will need to acquire the skills of either Apathy or Debate.
Creationism is not throwing seed, it is a systematic implosion. Strategically destroying specific support columns within the structure of a pseudoscientific deception and the resulting Atheism. Creationism is a demolition.
Atheism- A primitive Aristotelian process of deductive reasoning.
I’ve been asked by people I love “How is it you’ve convinced yourself that you’re the only person who has figured this out!?” Well the answer is I haven’t, neither of us have. We all only stand on the shoulders of others before us. And atheists would all do well to take an example of character from the Christian scientist Sir Isaac Newton and stop appealing to authority. We must be willing to reject this middle age mentality of appealing to authority in science. True scientists require analysis based on experimental and observational evidence, science is not a matter of popular opinion or what an authority figure states.
Using Newton’s Scientific Method we can observe that my generation leads the historical world in highest depression and suicide rates, highest mental illness rates, highest abortion rates, highest rates of anxiety, the lowest standards of morality, the highest rates of single parenthood and the highest rates of hard drug use at the earliest ages of all previous generations.. With the way we grew in this society, is it mere coincidence this is the same generation that has left the churches? My hypothesis is this correlation is no coincidence. To my fellow 20-somethings and younger, Christians and atheists alike, I myself am here to tell you that you can believe the Bible from the very first verse.
Decisions… Decisions…
To my Christian brothers and sisters- We all have a calling to spread the truth and we have arrived at the point of no return, we need to move forward and begin to fight fire with fire. Creationism is the reintegration of Christianity and science that was once lost but now within our reach again.. We have to use it. Pray for this generation and make a difference. To SABBSA Directors and contributors- Your doing God’s work, the time and effort you all put into the organization is beyond appreciated and duly noted. I am proud to have known you all and thank you for having me.
God bless- Roman
Visit www.sabbsa.org for more information.
About the author:
Roman K. Villarreal
SABBSA- San Antonio, TX.
Amateur Mycologist, Botanist, Entomologist
Contact: IntegratedElementsRV@gmail.com
Roman Villarreal has done investigative research over several subjects pertaining to Creationism including History, Religion, Quantum Theory, Geology and Astrophysics. He has debated on social media against Evolutionary Theory, politics and openly encourages civil discourse and the discussion of opposing theories. A proud contributor to SABBSA and advocate for sustainable living and Aquaponics. And oh yes ladies.. He’s single