I just happened to run across this one article on the internet – “Does Honey Really Last Forever?”1 It is on a site called Ziobits under “Fun Facts.” The article explains how the honey dries out bacteria because of its very low water content and high sugar content. Bees make honey to last a long time. The article had some interesting information.
But this is what I took note of. The article stated: “Since bees need to eat during the winter, and plants aren’t flowering, their evolutionary goal was to create a food source that wouldn’t spoil after a few months.” There are two points to be made from this one sentence.
The first point is this: Evolution does not have a goal. The General Theory of Evolution (GTE) is based on random mutations, natural selection, and of course the magic wand of time. All of the genetic information would have to be added to go from a “simple,” single celled organism to all of life on this planet without any end-goal in mind; because according to GTE, there is not any “mind.” Again, it is amazing what the Darwinists are allowed to get away with.
The second point is this: This again shows how Darwinism is everywhere. Here is an article about how honey does not go bad. And the writer of the article still managed to work in the General Theory of Evolution and look at this from that perspective. I have heard church leaders say that they are afraid that addressing this topic will cause people to have questions. But unless a person is living in a bubble, people are going to be getting this Darwinistic perspective. And if the church does not counter this, the Darwinistic perspective is the only perspective that people will get. And the next thing you know, professing Christians such as President Obama and Justice Kennedy will be rejecting the Bible and saying that two dudes can be married or a dude can feel like a gal one day and use the ladies locker-room. Oh, that has already happened!
Proverbs 25:27 states: “It’s not good to eat too much honey, and it’s not good to seek honors for yourself.”2 We need to give glory to God for what He has done!
Terry Read
2. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs+25